i don't know how to restrict the css from xp.css to ONLY be in this section if someone knows please lemme know \<\3
right now, i'm listening to 'are you for real' by zebrahead, on their japan-exclusive album 'waste of MFZB' from 2004, while typing this out as a test entry. this can be the first "official" blog post, so uhhhh...currently, the windows xp style css i'm using is messing with this page, especially with the buttons and links. i am thinking of changing it to look more like the court record from the original ace attorney (specifically the DS version) but of today i have one (one !!) full week of school left, or five days of lessons. then it's exam time.
actually, i want to show how the court record looks, as an image embedding test.

you know, it's times like these that make me understand why people use sites that just do all the html shit for them...almost.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ultrices faucibus eleifend. Pellentesque congue nunc vel diam feugiat, eget posuere erat congue. Maecenas tortor urna, posuere eget risus eu, hendrerit pretium turpis. Cras a erat molestie, semper ipsum quis, vulputate dolor. Donec lorem enim, rhoncus at mauris eu, tincidunt finibus nunc. Donec orci mauris, rutrum et aliquam id, congue sed leo. Ut quis rutrum enim, sit amet porttitor purus.
Sed vel finibus risus. Maecenas molestie est bibendum augue volutpat semper. Phasellus eu ipsum justo. Ut rhoncus tellus sagittis tortor gravida, in cursus lectus ultrices. Praesent non tellus eget nisl volutpat suscipit vel sed tellus. Quisque quis condimentum ligula. Nam imperdiet dui at maximus rhoncus. Quisque ultricies neque nulla, euismod pretium odio blandit at. Integer id condimentum ante, non vulputate est. Morbi ac eros lorem.